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 Blood Pressure Clinics


Your blood pressure changes constantly to adjust your circulation to your activities. It increased during exercise and decreases during sleep. However, during rest a normal reading is a systolic (the first number) blood pressure less than 140 and a diastolic (the second number) blood pressure less than 90. A person is diagnosed as having high blood pressure if the blood pressure stays at 140/90 or more.

At present there is no cure for high blood pressure, but it can be controlled to reduce the chances of developing problems.

Causes of high blood pressure may include:
* Hereditary
* Sedentary lifestyle/Obesity
* Prolonged stress
* Increased sodium intake
* Smoking
* Alcohol consumption

Ways to control blood pressure include:
* Low-salt diet
* Exercise regularly
* Maintain healthy weight
* Quit smoking
* Relaxation
* Medication is necessary if you have severe high blood pressure that is not controlled by diet, exercise, and weight reduction.

It is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly, even if you have not been diagnosed as having high blood pressure because some people do not have symptoms associated with high blood pressure.

CHICKASAW COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH offers blood pressure clinics at our office. Any persons, regardless of age interested in scheduling an appointment to have their blood pressure checked can call or office at (641) 394-4053 or Toll Free: 1-800-579-5815. WALK-INS ARE WELCOME. There is no fee for this service, donations are accepted.


Chickasaw County Public Health Nursing Services • New Hampton, IA • (641) 394-4053